Saturday, November 12, 2011

pickled tea with a foot rub - minus the foot rub.

it is 7:53 on a rainy, chill, windy saturday as i sit with my boo on the couch. we are busily doing nothing, as it were, but there is something that we can both attest to.

chai. hot, delightful, fragrant warming chai. a dollop of honey, a splash of cream, a full mug of steeped goodness - in a pickle jar. yeah, that's right. i find that this said 'glass' is one of the most amazing and necessary items to find in your cupboard. kind of like horseradish. and tortillas. and rum. but i digress - you know when you're on the hunt for that perfect glass for your drink? you rifle through the regular drinking glasses, the batman mug, the hello kitty tumbler, the pickle jar...

wait, what? PICKLE JAR? holy crap - i must drink from this holy grail of awesomeness.

it's that bright and fleeting moment that graces you maybe only once a day, for the unlucky ones anyway. kind of like when you find the perfect pair of shoes in a store front window, the perfect ohmygodlookattheamazingcutepuppies calendar at the stand on the mall, when someone offers you a back massage, etc etc. you get my gist. seriously, if you do not have this amazing glass in your household, get one. who doesn't want sweet chai tea out of a sweet creek chilli dillie pickle jar? that's right - no one. because it is awesome.

also - canning jars make the most amazing drinking glasses for the boozer in your life. literally: amazing. add your tequila, your ice, your salt and mix, your slice of lime - add lid. shake profusely. drink the most satisfyingly made drink you e'er done drink, son. for reals, who doesn't wanna shake their margarita in a canning jar?! "whoa dude, what the hell are you making?" "time bomb. real easy, drinkable too." "O.o" "nah, just kidding. wanna sip?" the concept of this is an easy one - no spoon required, no cocktail shaker dirtied, everyone gets a laugh. in short, canning jars are kick ass. and sweetly multi-functional. also, they come in super tiny 8 oz. all the way up to the monster 128 friggin' oz. size. perfect for that one special alcoholic friend of yours - in this case, mine loves pirates. and drinks larger than his face. (pst - remember that margarita?)

so go on - make your tea in a pickle jar, your gin and tonic in a jam container. once you step down this path, your glass collection will be the greatest on your street guaranteed. well, at least one of the most humorous anyway.

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